Big Pulse Pathfinders

The Big Pulse Pathfinders are digital guidebooks that offer insights into key topics affecting the European dance sector. They provide arts professionals with direction all based on key learnings from the four-year Big Pulse Dance Alliance project.


With practical guidance, expert input and handy checklists, these Big Pulse Pathfinders aim to help artists, festivals and arts workers navigate the dance sector landscape and find creative, successful and sustainable ways of creating and sharing work.


Festivals for Change

  • Big Pulse Dance Alliance is a partnership of European festivals and institutions dedicated to strengthening and expanding the reach of contemporary dance.


Artistic Pulses

  • The Big Pulse artistic programme aimed to increase the diversity of contemporary dance through co-production, touring and capacity building.

Burning Questions

  • During the course of the project, key concerns and challenges were discussed at length to identify ways of building capacity for festival and artists.

Shaping the Future

  • Big Pulse Dance Alliance will continue to shape the future of the contemporary dance sector within Europe and beyond.
Big Pulse Dance

Bringing contemporary dance to the people of Europe.